
Ucommerce includes full API reference documentation and lots of helpful articles to help you build your e-commerce site as effortlessly as possible.

Topics Payment Providers

Get product catalogs

This article will guide you through how to retrieve product catalogs. The Postman collection will be used for all examples. You need a valid product catalogId to convert a basket to an order.


Optional query parameters

  • maxItems - limits the number of payment methods returned. The list is paginated.
  • nextPagingToken - required to fetch the next page. The token is described in detail in Next Paging Token article

Get Product Catalogs

Open the Get Catalogs request.

Provide the mandatory query parameters - priceGroupId and cultureCode. Optional query parameters can be added as well.


    curl -D- -X GET {base_url}/api/v1/catalogs?cultureCode={cultureCode}&priceGroupId={priceGroupId}&maxItems={maxItems}&nextPagingToken={nextPagingToken} \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \


        "pagingToken": "{pagingToken | null}",
        "catalogs": [
                "id": "catalogId",
                "name": "catalogName"

Possible errors that may occur

Error Description
BadRequest (400) Invalid Price Group GUID; Invalid cultureCode.
Unauthorized (401) The token is expired.
Forbidden (403) The token does not have access to this endpoint.

See Handling failures for more info.