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Topics Payment Providers

How to get Countries

Why is this necessary?

You need a valid Country Id to be able to add a Shipping Address, Billing Address and a Payment Method to a basket

Getting into it

Get countries has no required parameters, but it has the following optional parameters:

  • MaxItems
  • NextPagingToken

If you are not sure what MaxItems and NexPagingToken are, take a look Here

The first thing you need to do is to attach your AccessToken to the request header See Quick Start if you are not sure how to do that.

Secondly you can add the maximum number of items wanted as query parameters like this:


this is not required and otherwise you will get all countries in your database

An example of how to get countries could be:

    curl -D- -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

If you get a successful response, you will get a list of countries returned to you.


        "countries": [
                "cultureCode": "da-DK",
                "id": "1000c73d-3kod-df11-94f6-0003gg7btc8c",
                "name": "Denmark"
                "cultureCode": "de-DE",
                "id": "2a45c12d-q8ur-kc20-24y6-1273kf7cbc8c",
                "name": "Germany"
                "cultureCode": "en-GB",
                "id": "4833c73d-3c6d-pr11-94f6-5696fj7bcq9c",
                "name": "Great Britain"
                "cultureCode": "nb-NO",
                "id": "9c30m03d-3o2d-rl71-9346-9203rt7bcc8c",
                "name": "Norway"
                "cultureCode": "sv-SE",
                "id": "9b33c73d-3c6d-qk61-94f6-12097klbfe8c",
                "name": "Sweden"
        "nextPagingToken": null

Note: For an explanation of the Next Paging Token go to NextPagingToken.

Possible Errors that may occur:

Error Description
Unauthorized (401) The token expires
Forbidden (403) The token does not have access to this endpoint

See Handling failures for more info.