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Within Ucommerce there's very litle interference with personal data and is only related to orders and customers. Ucommerce does not provide any OOTB tools for gathering and/or removing data.

Where is the personal data stored

Ucommerce stores it's data in a SQL server in it's own data store. Following tables will include or be relevant to personal data

  • uCommerce_PurchaseOrder ** Does not per say store any personal data but links in data concerning the customer
  • uCommerce_Customer ** Keeps a copy of the customer related to any orders in the present and the future. This includes email address, first name, last name and phone numbers. This table also links member identifiers for membership data within the CMS. This is not data handled by Ucommerce.
  • uCommerce_OrderAddress ** Contains personal data for various shipping addresses related to one or more orders. ** Contains personal data for the billing details for a specific order
  • uCommerce_Shipment ** Does not per say store any personal data but gathers information for shipment of specific order items to a specific order address.
  • uCommerce_ProductReview
  • uCommerce_ProductReviewComment ** ProductReviews contains a link to the customer data, not the customer data itself.