Deleting Purchase Orders and Baskets from the Database in Ucommerce
One thing you might want to do before putting a new Ucommerce solution into a production environment is to remove any test baskets and orders you might have placed during development. The schema gets a little complicated with the rich functionality found in the Ucommerce Transaction Foundation requiring the objects to be removed in a certain order.

Here’s how you go about deleting them.
Please be aware that running the following script will remove any baskets and orders found in the system with no way to get them back unless you have a database backup handy.
--DELETE PURCHASE ORDERS AND ASSOCIATED DATA BEGIN TRAN -- Delete reviews DELETE FROM Ucommerce_ProductReviewComment DELETE FROM Ucommerce_ProductReview -- Delete discounts DELETE FROM Ucommerce_OrderLineDiscountRelation DELETE FROM Ucommerce_Discount -- Remove shipment <-> order line link UPDATE Ucommerce_OrderLine SET ShipmentId = NULL UPDATE Ucommerce_PurchaseOrder SET BillingAddressId = NULL DELETE FROM Ucommerce_Shipment DELETE FROM Ucommerce_OrderAddress DELETE FROM Ucommerce_OrderProperty DELETE FROM Ucommerce_OrderLine DELETE FROM Ucommerce_PaymentProperty DELETE FROM Ucommerce_Payment DELETE FROM Ucommerce_OrderStatusAudit DELETE FROM Ucommerce_PurchaseOrder DELETE FROM Ucommerce_Address DELETE FROM Ucommerce_Customer --COMMIT ROLLBACK
As an added precaution I uncommented the commit statement in case you were wondering why the data isn’t being deleted :)