
Ucommerce includes full API reference documentation and lots of helpful articles to help you build your e-commerce site as effortlessly as possible.

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Integration with Kentico EMS

This page contains details about Ucommerce's integration with Kentico's EMS capabilities.

Contact Management

In the overview article we covered the different entities in play for membership and permissions, what about all the great features that function using the Kentico Contact?

On EMS enabled installations, Ucommerce will add details to the Kentico Contact during the AddAddress pipeline. This is executed when EditBillingInformation is called. Information mapped to the contact includes first and last name, phone numbers, address, city and postal code. Since this is done in a pipeline, the functionality can be overwritten or extended easily.

Activity Types

By default, the integration between Ucommerce and Kentico EMS ships with the following Activity Types:

  • Ucommerce product added to basket
  • Ucommerce product removed from basket
  • Ucommerce product purchased
  • Ucommerce purchase made
  • Ucommerce basket abandoned


By default, the integration between Ucommerce and Kentico EMS ships with the following Macro methods:

  • IsBasketEmpty - Check if the current basket is empty.
  • BasketContainsId - Check if the current basket contains a specific product id.
  • CurrentBasket - Returns the current basket.
  • CurrentOrder - Returns PurchaseOrder data during checkout. To be used for confirmation emails sent by the Ucommerce email service.
  • GetBasket - Returns the basket for a given GUID.
  • GetBasketOrderLines - Returns a list of OrderLines for the basket.
  • BasketHasAtLeastXProducts - Check if the current basket contains at least the specified number of products.
  • PlacedOrderByEmail - Returns all placed order by email.

These macro methods are found under the "Ucommerce" macro namespace.

Note that it is possible to create your own macro methods and by using the Ucommerce APIs in the methods, you can fine grain customize the experience.

Macro Rules

By default, the integration between Ucommerce and Kentico EMS ships with the following Macro methods:

  • Current visitor has product in basket - Check if the visitor has a specific Ucommerce product in the basket.
  • Current visitor has an empty basket - Check if the current visitor has an empty Ucommerce basket.

Note that it is possible to create your own macro rules in the system.


By default, the following activities can be used as a conversion in a campaign:

  • Ucommerce basket abandoned
  • Ucommerce product added to basket
  • Ucommerce product purchased
  • Ucommerce product removed from basket
  • Ucommerce purchase made

Conversions, A/B- and MVT Testing

By default, the following conversions are logged by Ucommerce for Kentico:

  • Purchase made
  • Product added to basket
  • Product removed from basket

The name and more importantly the value of these conversions can be configured in the Settings application under the Ucommerce node.

The previously mentioned Conversions can be used for both A/B and MVT testing scenarios. It is important to make sure you configure the conversions to match the conversion name from the previously mentioned settings.

Contact Segmentation (personas, contact groups)

Thanks to Ucommerce's integration with conversions and activities, setting up contact segmentatation in the form of personas and/or contact groups. There's nothing special about setting these up, they work in the same way as they would with any other activity so if you are familiar with setting this up in Kentico, this will be charted territory.

Content Personalization

Similar to many other EMS aspects, due to the macro methods that are provided by Ucommerce out-of-the-box (mentioned above) implementing e-commerce related content personalization scenarios is as easy as you know it and with previous Kentico experience, this will be familiar.

Lead Scoring

Setting up lead scoring based on e-commerce scenarios is easier than ever. With Ucommerce's integration with activity tracking, contact management, and macro methods you can configure complex use-cases inside Kentico's "Scoring" app and configuring rules based on contact attributes, activities or macros.

Marketing Automation

For marketing automation, you can utilize our previously described activities as triggers for your workflows. The most common use of marketing automation is implementing an abandoned basket email sending workflow. We have a step-by-step guide on how to implement this functionality in this article. Remember that this is just an example implementation and you can customize the flow to your customer needs. If you'd like to see this in action, you can have a look at our Accelerator.