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NextPagingToken concept similar to Continuation token for managing the results returned from queries. Every query submitted to headless that returns a list will have an optional MaxItems limit property. The default limit is 250. If the result returned to the client has nextPagingToken different from null, it means that the result is partial and more records are available on request (basically going from page to page until the nextPagingToken is null). In order to go the next page, only thing you need to do is to supply your nextPagingToken as a part of the request. In case you want to go backwards you have to store the nextPagingToken on your site and make requests with it. Keep in mind that the nextPagingToken is unique per store.

Note: The token can appear under 2 different names, "pagingToken" or "nextPagingToken".

Example when MaxItems is set to 3:

    curl -D- -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \


        "countries": [
                "cultureCode": "da-DK",
                "id": "0c53f836-9601-ec11-837b-64bc58542c92",
                "name": "Denmark"
                "cultureCode": "de-DE",
                "id": "1153f836-9601-ec11-837b-64bc58542c92",
                "name": "Germany"
                "cultureCode": "en-GB",
                "id": "0f53f836-9601-ec11-837b-64bc58542c92",
                "name": "Great Britain"
        "nextPagingToken": "M3wzfGRjMDZlZGYxLTQ2MGQtNGVlZC1hMzMxLWJjNWYwMzI4NDlkNHxGYWxzZQ=="

To get the next 3 countries you do the following request:

    curl -D- -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Possible errors that may occur:

Error Description
BadRequest (400) Store not found on the given context; Paging token does not match the current query; etc.


        "errors": [
                "error-description": "Store not found on the given context",
                "error": "BadRequest"

See Handling failures for more info.